Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Stylistic Differences: A Study of Dis-Ease

There is a serious problem with a man who beats his wife. Not only is it morally unacceptable, but it is also Counter-Evolutionary! The subjugation of women is completely stupid, and it's gone on for MILLENIAE! Simply read the "Da Vinci Code", it gives more than a few examples of such subjugation.
While there are all kinds of theories and factual causes for spouse-abuse and other acts of sexism, there are some that seem more common than others. One certain hypothesis was brought to my attention by none other than the infamous Mr. Maroney! His idea involves one of the most basic of instincts, humans' yearning for knowledge. However, before I explain this in depth...I'd like to bring up another theory from a modern great. Freud's concept of the "Penis-Envy". Sounds ridiculous...and in my opinion it is. Freud's theory claimed that Women envied Men for their power, and they saw this power to stem from the Penis, one of the few accoutrements that men have that women lack. Ergo, Frued claimed, women envied men because men had penises. What a load of crap. I, having a penis of my own (believe it or not...), know for a fact that this is definately, definately...not the case. I personally think that women have far more power than men, and for this men have subjugated them because they don't want to acknowledge this fact. Besides...there's very little to envy about having an extra appendage.

Anyways, getting back to Maroney's hypothesis...
Mr. Maroney thinks that Men have subjugated women for a variety of reasons, which is true, but that a universal cause...albeit subconscious and locked away...is something that he calls "Gestation Envy". Women have the ability to bear a child, give birth to that child, and sustain it from their own body! During the 9 months leading up to the birth...what can we men do? Watch. Watch...watch...watch. THAT'S IT!!
Humans are an extremely complicated species...and one of the most infuriating qualities that we have is curiosity. Damn curiosity...not only does it kill cats, but it makes us learn more and therefore enslave our youth into a pseudo-intelligent system called "Education". I'll spare you from that rant again as it has already been covered. It does however, make us want to know everything! Think about it...we are gluttons for knowledge. We've gone as far as outer space for knowledge! The bottom of the ocean, the top of Mt. Everest, all the way down to sub-atomic particles! But...there is one thing that will never be known to the likes of the male population. What is it like to have the gift of birth? Seriously. What is it like to know that something is living inside of you, that you created it, that you are "God" to this entity? That is something that I will never know...and while most men will not admit it, but I know that because I am human and therefore, whether I want to be or not, I am curious. I'm not a father, and I don't plan to be for a very long time...but that doesn't mean I can't be curious!

On a final note...I would like to point out a fact. Men have subjugated women for thousands of years, and look at the world today. Poverty, Hunger, Disease (not Dis-Ease), and nuclear weapons (which are ironically shaped like penises...). We made a serious mistake. All living things, be it humans to plants to hamsters...are all the same thing. We're all made up of the same four ingredients. All our DNA is made up of the same four sugars...it's simply the recipe, or how it's put together. Why do we do such a thing? The human race may be considered the most intelligent species on this planet...but it is possible to be Intelligent, yet dumb where it counts. We are the best example.

(C) 2006 Sean Slater (Thanks Maroney!) All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Justified.


At 8:23 p.m., Blogger SEASE said...

Stephanie kicked my ass today...took a chunk out of my palm as well.

At 9:28 p.m., Blogger SEASE said...

Example #1: Charles James.

At 3:59 p.m., Blogger SEASE said...

Huh? That question makes no sense...and as far as I can see has no relevance...care to elaborate?

At 7:06 p.m., Blogger SEASE said...

I think I'm catching onto this...and I'm not liking it one bit.

And all my girls are hand picked from simply the finest selection. Only the elite and best for my personal line. Hours and hours are spent evaluating each and every girl, to ensure that they are only of the top quality...

But I think the main reason that I don't generally get hit in the jaw is because I'm normally not an asshole. However, I must say...your girlfriend hit me a good number of times...I told her to hit me harder, and she did. You can take this however you like, but she smacked me upside the head...no crude comments will be tolerated.

Cat also smacked me DAMN hard...I nearly spun around, but I was expecting that one too.

At 8:05 p.m., Blogger SEASE said...

I write what I feel like writing about...if that happens to be Graffiti, it'll be graffiti. If I happens to be psychological and social rants...it'll be psych. and soc. rants. The only thing I REFUSE to do with this, is to use it as a journal.
Not only would I be letting you and the rest of the world how I feel, I'd be doing the one thing I hate the most with Blogs...which is bitching and complaining about myself on the internet. I hate that.

At 8:06 p.m., Blogger SEASE said...

And By the way...it was a sardonic comment. It was meant to sound that way.


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