Friday, March 10, 2006


Random Fact: The entire U.N. runs on a budget that is less than the New York City Fire Department. More later.

In other interesting news, I was threatened with bodily hard by a customer at work a mother no less. Chris was also fired because he came in piss-drunk. When his parents came to pick him up, his mother asked him where he got the booze. "Christopher, where did you get the alcohol?" His reply? "Magic..." How awesome is that?!


At 9:21 p.m., Blogger SEASE said...

Well...You're not busy, and have nothing on tomorrow morning, and it's only 11:20. So why aren't you online?

BTW, Chris is 17

At 10:48 a.m., Blogger SEASE said...

She was throwing empty tubes down the chutes. So I yelled at her as she was walking away "Can I get an explanation for this? That's real're like 30 and you're having a tantrum." and she yells back at me "Come here! I'll give you some, Punk!"

That was the threat...nothing serious, but it's still damn funny.


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