Silogistic Reasoning Is A Gift...Don't Spend It All On One Thing.
This post focuses on multiple points. They don't seem interconnected, but let me tell you that they most certainly are. How? you ask...well I'm not going to spoil it. If you figure it out, then you understand my methods of reasoning.
My first point is one for which I am torn between sides. I want to, and often do believe one, yet sometimes I can't help but think the other. What is love? WAIT! Before you sigh in disgust and skip this paragraph...hear me out, please! Sure...I've described it as a multitude of things. A bond between people, no matter what form their relationship may take. An emotion that you feel towards someone when you realise that you have a special relationship...yadda yadda. There is another idea for it that I've been considering for a while, but I haven't been able to voice it properly. It seems that this is where Mr. Maroney comes in...he tends to find the words to convey the same ideas and theories that I have. Without him, this Blog would not exist. "Love is an illusion...Its the sugar-coated version of lust. We feel the need to wrap our lust up in something to make it more palpable, and that's where we get the illusion of love." Don't believe us? Try it. If you honestly think you're in love, go to your significant other and kiss them. Once you've kissed them...on the mouth...sit back and think about it. Did you feel anything? Chances are you did. Some indescribable feeling occured with the contact. It has been described as many things, but for me, the most accurate is "an electric jolt". You get riled want more. Some think that this is how you know you're in love. Whevenever you get that not-so-elusive "jolt", you're experience is telling you that you're "in love". Perhaps, but highly doubtful. I have a pretty strong argument that it's simply lust. That craving for more, that feeling that ran through you, it's just a pang of lust! Analyse it, if you have the capability to be honest with yourself, and maybe...just maybe you'll realise this. When you kiss someone, you generally don't want to stop...and given the chance, you most likely won't. You'll get closer, the rest of your senses experience a deadening, perhaps hands will wander as if of their own free will. Ever wondered why? Because your instincts are kicking in, and your sexual drives are telling you that you're diggin' this, and that you should go further. If you want more examples...or more information on this matter, dial 1-800-WHA-TEVS. Actually, just IM me. FoxGray02 for those of you that don't know.
Next Point! (I know, I took a bit more space than I thought with the last one)
Van Gogh's brother once said this of him "An artist is someone who is constantly seeking and never finding..." What an amazingly brilliant quote! (Beer from a bottle...Brilliant!) The same goes for Graffiti Writers (Yes Thomas, more Graf...suck it up.) Constantly seeking but never finding. That we are. Always trying to attain freedom to paint and get our name up. But in the society that rocks us, we have yet to find it. The day that Graffiti is made legal no matter where written, will be the first day of the downfall of authority...Which, in some sense would not be a good thing, and yet I'll continue to fight for it.
Last Point! Remember how I said that all living things are made up for the same four sugars? Not only that, but the Mitochondrian Deoxyribonucleic Ac!d in every single human is the EXACT same! Yes, that's right (not left)...your MTDNA is the same as mine. This has enabled scientists to trace us back to what they think is a single African woman. So if this is true, why do we have such a thing as racism? Why?! We're all brothas (and sistas) from the SAME PHR34K1N' MOTHA!
I'll never understand humans, but if I did...I'd be God.
And I once leant Joel $5, and he exclaimed "YOU ARE GOD!" and I simply replied by telling him "Yeah, well you now owe God five bucks..."
i love how you correct *measly*, but you misspell *lent*. not the catholic one... but anyway... :)
If anything...I owe you, but not necessarily in a positive manner.
Care to explain that one? Last time I checked...I didn't owe you any Cash.
I figured it had something to do with that...
And before you go thinking you're smart for making comments like that, just realise that I've had more fun that you have...and at this rate, ever will.
As for hitting you this needn't worry. You're not worth bruising my knuckles...just like you're not worth soiling a bullet.
It's not a matter of who's right...It's a matter of who's left.
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