Sunday, August 13, 2006

Bless + Destroy

Everybody Up!

Perhaps I wrote my rant about how much I hate flying a tad too soon...Now I'd have a LOT more to complain about. Damn.

A friend and I were discussing the recent bomb plot that was stopped just days before execution in Heathrowe Airport, London. The whole thing stinks. I'm no conspiracy theory lover, and I'm not trying to insinuate that it has a bigger purpose or that there were any government backings...but think about it. It is rather timely. Bush's rating polls have dropped like a brick from the CN Tower (or the Empire State Building for my non-cultured American readers), so he needs to garner more support for himself and his groupies. Yes, he cannot be re-elected. Yes, they are trying to get brotha Jeb to run. And yes, even if Jeb doesn't's still best for Bush to try and gain support for his party. I'm no Political scientist, but I did take 6th Grade Civics. (What's the President's Cabinet?) Even if a member of his family doesn't run, the Republican party will most likely follow the same platform basis. And therefore, the "Global War On Terror" will almost assuredly be on the slate. The sudden arrests of alleged terrorists that planned to execute a plot that "would rival that of Sept. 11th in destruction and chaos" (as the local newspaper put it) at the very last minute looks great. Not only that, but it scares the public shitless. Now people are freaking out like chickens with their heads cut off. Everybody is afraid for their lives...which makes Mr. George "The Protector" Bush appealing once again because he's a leader that is willing to take on the very thing that scares them the most. Terrorism. In fact, even here in Canada I've overheard a man saying something along the lines of "It's a good thing Bush has all his assets focusing on stopping these freaks. Otherwise we might all be dead!" It made me want to puke, then punch the aforementioned idiot.
On top of all this, a lot of people...Americans in particular...have been getting all nostalgic and therefore sentimental with this bloody "World Trade Center" movie. Not only can the not spell Centre correctly, but we DON'T NEED TO SEE A GOD-DAMN MOVIE ABOUT IT! We all lived through it AND the aftermath ONCE, we don't need a tearjerker rescue flick about it...even if it has Nick Cage in it.
So...after forming, then ranting about this idea, we got onto the topic of "Freedom". Because of all this paranoia, people are no longer allowed to take liquids, gels or things of the like onto flights. In fact, all flights arriving at and departing London-Heathrowe aren't allowed to have carry-on luggage. You're not even allowed a book. All you can have is your passports and boarding a clear-plastic bag. It's ridiculous. The idea is to treat all people flying as if they're criminals. It's like strip-searching a person who wants to visit someone who's out on bail...It's bloody ridiculous. I know the idea is to screen 100% of people so as to catch any would-be terrorists...But think about it. That's just for airplanes. The only reason it's like that is because the Sept. 11th involved airplanes. But look, people freaked out after the London Underground bombing, but there's absolutely NO security on subway systems. Hell, half the time I ride the local subway system I don't even buy a ticket. That's how lax the security is for things like that. Do we screen every single automobile parked on the street after a car-bomb goes off in Iraq? No. Do we put up metal detectors inside buses to make sure that there are no more London Bus-type bombings? No. Do we wave everyone down with magnetic wands when they enter the mail-office to prevent anymore mail-office hostage situations? No! There are inumerable ways to enact terrorist plots...but do we make it harder for people to do things like that? No. You know why? Because if we did, it would "restrict the God-given freedoms that people in North America enjoy". Oh really...Well what about the lady in the airport that nearly made me take off my pants because the little gromets that attach the corners of the pockets were making her magnetic-wand beep even after I'd emptied everything in my pocket? What about the guy who patted me down (or felt me up...depends on how you want to see it...)because he didn't believe me when I said I didn't have anything else in my pockets? Is that not restricting my freedoms? For example...Freedom from having a grossly overweight man in his late 40's grope my legs and feel up my crotch...which is nowhere NEAR my pockets.
If we employed the same measures on other methods of transportation and things of the would essentially be a state of martial law. Which goes against the idea of Democracy, of Freedom. Well, my friend told me something today. He grew up with his father in Chicago. He also told me that his father is cheaper than a free airline ticket (pardon the pun), and therefore...they lived in the slums. He motioned to the world around us and said to me: "This...this is not freedom. This is an illusion, a capitalist utopia that is furnished to keep people buying and selling so that they are entertained. This is not freedom. You want to know where I saw real freedom? The Ghetto. In the slums of Chicago, especially the latino's what a lot of people would call Hell. Poor, Run-down, Grimy...and because of that, people are aggressive. Therefore, you could do whatever you want...and nobody would care. It was every man for himself. You could shoot, you could kill someone, you could burn a car...Hell, you could stack tires 7 feet in the air and burn them until they were 4 inches off the fuckin' ground, and nobody would do a fuckin' thing. That, my friend, is true freedom. I guess what some people would call Anarchy. It's not, it's nothing admirable...but it's honest-to-God freedom. No illusion."
If you think that my friend is lying. If you think that he's just trying to play a're wrong. He may not be black. He may not have been shot 9 times. He may not have come from the bottom of bottoms to the top of the pops. But he's been there. He's seen it. You'd best believe it.

This goes along with my rant about peace. Nobody will really understand it in it's entirety, except me and Chris (AKA DJ Dice)...because we were there talking about it. I just want people to think outside the octagon. (ToTO) Now, it's rather late. I think I'll catch up on some well-deserved sleep.

(C) 2006 Sean Slater. (Thanks Chris!) All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Justified. SEASE Productions. Just remember...Nothing is permanent. Not even KRink...


At 2:11 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me for being reasonable, but: methinks you’re completely wrong.
Yes, it seems like Bush would think now would be a good time for some terrorist attacks. Might make some people think we need a crazy cowboy to govern America. But, it won’t help the next Republican president all that much. McCain (Who is most likely to win in 2008) has been a POW and is AGAINST war. He is a completely different animal then Bush, and the Republican Party want, no need, someone who isn’t like Bush at all, because they know everyone hates him.
As for those “freedoms” you were mentioning. The Airplane companies and governments have every right, as well as a duty, to set current regulations for airplane travel. You can have your freedom, and not be allowed to conceal a weapon, just as you can have freedoms and fly on a plane without carry-ons, that might have contents to destroy the plane. The regulations currently set are probably temporary. A message that was sent to the plotters of these terrorists attacks stating “Do your attacks now”. We intercepted the message and because of it have stopped many terrorist attacks. Plus, It’s not just in America. England has stopped like 4 terrorist plots, India 2, and Canada has probably helped a couple @_@. Just kidding about the Canada thing. Airplanes have been targeted for this increased security because they have been the most popular method of attack. The current plotters have been told to hijack Airplanes and explode them over big cities.
As for what you think is “Freedom”. I live in the Naples area. I can do anything here. I can get away with it. Its not just because my dad is a high-ranking officer in the US navy or that my landlord is with the Mafia. It is because people don’t give a crap, and it sucks. People don’t care that the air is so bad that living here is equal to smoking 11 cigarettes a day, that the government is completely corrupt, that the leading political party is socialist, that the hospitals are not even up to the standards America’s were in the 1950’s, or that their children have to live in this environment. The people of Naples aren’t free; they are prisoners to their own way of life. Once a place falls into a violent ‘Anarchy’, it has no freedom. The people are indirectly affected by everything everyone else does. It slowly gets to a point were its so bad you can’t get out. No one can help you, and no one will help you. You HAVE to conform to the ways of others to survive. You have to become aggressive. You have no choice. You have no freedom to choose. I’ll give you an example; the other day an American in Naples had his camera stolen by two men on a moped. He ran after them, but was stopped by a neighborhood of Neapolitans. It is not uncommon in Naples for the locals to help criminals (Because they are all criminals). The man was almost bludgeoned to death. Was anyone in that story free? No.
Anarchy can only work when people help one another.
So, maybe Bush is behind these new terrorist plots. It’s very likely. He is an ass. But, it won’t help McCain as much as you stated. And the precautions on the Airplanes should be taken, just in case.

Oh, and why do all the terrorist like it near the northern boarder, Sean? Hmm? It seems they all go to northern Minnesota, and I don’t thinks it is because there are a lot of Scandinavian terrorists, yahh. Its Canada they go there for. First, the 9/11 pilot training and then the Egyptian students in Northern Minnesota. Sounds pretty fishy to me.

P.S. You spell it ‘center’, silly. What in the hell is a centre? Pronounced Sen-tray?

At 2:32 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, not completly wrong. The Bush administration very well could be behind these 'plots' to further enhance Bush's image.

At 12:26 a.m., Blogger SEASE said...

I'm not advocating Anarchy...I'm past that stage of cognitive development...I understand how things work. I read "Eclipse Of The Century" by Jan Mark (THANK YOU CLAIRE!!!) and I realised that there will never be such an anarchist utopia such as that depicted in the novel. I'd say that I agree and disagree with both of you...but I'm the one that YOU'RE agreeing and disagreeing I'll shut my trap. Thank you for your views, I especially enjoyed yours, Kyle-san.

At 4:47 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you. :)

At 10:13 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you're right about something: His ratings have gone up.

At 6:36 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

didnt i say this junk in like 7th grade? noone listens to me...


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