Monday, February 19, 2007

Not This Crap Again...

The following picture was posted on the same imageboard as the last one...and I, yet again...had to follow in the same vein.

Rei: "Now hang on a minute, for this rose is only seemingly innocent in its construction. For in fact it contains 50 micrograms of 'la cantrella' smeared on a dart within a gauss coil, which itself is powered by piezoelectric motors, to dispatch my target, Shinji, with minimum effort. There is a tilt-mechanism within the stem of the rose which when placed at a 90 degree angle to the ground will twist the petals of the rose into a linear arrangement forming the stabilising fins of my weapon; what I call the RoseDart 3000. When the dart hits the target the piezoelectric crystals will embed into the target's skin and will harness the target's own bio-electric field to power the gauss coil and inject the deadly poison. With some luck I believe I can achieve great success."

Made Rei Laugh...

(C) 2007 SEASE Productions. All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Justified.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day...Nobody Loves You.

Roses are RED.
Violets are BLUE.

Awww Fit...I shucked up.

(C)2007 SEASE Productions. All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Justified.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

IB Bored.

Rei: "Hey, check this out for this paper airplane is only seemingly so innocent in it‘s construction, for in fact it carries a capsule of 5cc of cyanide which is set up behind a spring-loaded syringe. When it makes contact with the target it will, by a mixture of kinetic and hydrostatic forces, inject the target causing at first convulsions then death. I have adjusted the right wing flap by .2 degrees and I'm throwing it at a pitch of 10 degrees to aid me in my endeavor to hit Shinji in the kitchen, and by my calculations it should hit him in the left buttock with ideal conditions not including air currents and thermal areas of air which may displace the trajectory of the plane by 7.8%. However, I have taken this error ratio into account and I believe, with luck, that I can achieve great success."

Asuka: "Word."

(C)2007 SEASE Productions. All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Justified. Image stolen from /b/ -

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Hero Worship

Beware the rise of the fire gods. Sound the trumpet and radiate courage boys. The airwaves sing a plea for violence, asking to give war a chance.

There's a firefight in sight and not too many chances left to take. Roadside bombs keep exploding, changing everything in a Baghdad minute.

The skyscrapers are standing tall but the collective will is growing thin realizing demons disguised as democracy do deadly damage.

Heroes don't fabricate will. They don't suspend termination orders. They find a way to augment diplomacy in order to restructure the guns for the benefit of the butter.

With that high expectation we detach here, finding personal salvation and social revolution packed in a capsule, bottled in a can. It's as fake as double tracked vocals.

Just like our heroes. Nothing more than cassette tape rockers in a VHS world. Pat Benatar almost had it right, it's lust that's a battlefield.

Running to take shelter in sexual congress and senatorial sin, I get high off post-pop anthems from the post-war western world, pandering to poets posthumously.

Relaxing with recondite rituals and myths, I feel vibrations of violence amidst an impending sense of goodness.

It's a sick feeling that makes you shiver like thinking about French kissing a razor blade.

All your heroes become cartoons. Starting out with a gimmick ending with a bang. But there is beauty in the notion of pathos being underrated.

Meanwhile, demons on demonstration display demonstrative demeanor. Dragging around, mildly drugged. Trying to do the research and making a genuine effort.

When love is the subplot and you believe in inspiration, you deserve your moments.

© 2007 Buford Industries/SEASE Productions. (Thanks Stockcap!) All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Justfied.
