Not This Crap Again...
The following picture was posted on the same imageboard as the last one...and I, yet again...had to follow in the same vein.
Rei: "Now hang on a minute, for this rose is only seemingly innocent in its construction. For in fact it contains 50 micrograms of 'la cantrella' smeared on a dart within a gauss coil, which itself is powered by piezoelectric motors, to dispatch my target, Shinji, with minimum effort. There is a tilt-mechanism within the stem of the rose which when placed at a 90 degree angle to the ground will twist the petals of the rose into a linear arrangement forming the stabilising fins of my weapon; what I call the RoseDart 3000. When the dart hits the target the piezoelectric crystals will embed into the target's skin and will harness the target's own bio-electric field to power the gauss coil and inject the deadly poison. With some luck I believe I can achieve great success."
Made Rei Laugh...
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