Wednesday, February 07, 2007

IB Bored.

Rei: "Hey, check this out for this paper airplane is only seemingly so innocent in it‘s construction, for in fact it carries a capsule of 5cc of cyanide which is set up behind a spring-loaded syringe. When it makes contact with the target it will, by a mixture of kinetic and hydrostatic forces, inject the target causing at first convulsions then death. I have adjusted the right wing flap by .2 degrees and I'm throwing it at a pitch of 10 degrees to aid me in my endeavor to hit Shinji in the kitchen, and by my calculations it should hit him in the left buttock with ideal conditions not including air currents and thermal areas of air which may displace the trajectory of the plane by 7.8%. However, I have taken this error ratio into account and I believe, with luck, that I can achieve great success."

Asuka: "Word."

(C)2007 SEASE Productions. All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Justified. Image stolen from /b/ -


At 6:22 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are undoubtedly my favourite twisted, slightly scary, amusing foreigner ever.
just thought i'd mention it.

ooh, and my mommy got me pudding. your destruction is imminent.

At 7:03 p.m., Blogger blondie said...

that different form your normal mind but still odd..

now all we have to do is get a catapult or 8 lol :D

At 7:16 p.m., Blogger SEASE said...

I am dehydrated potassium sulfate compressed into a gaseous form and contained promptly in an air compressed locking mechanism with adequate, exact, and steady temperatures within a scientific facility somewhere off the coast of Vancouver, Canada, hear me roar.

At 8:31 p.m., Blogger blondie said...

At 4:34 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


ooh, and it's chocolate. i'd feel bad wasting it, but it's sugar-free, which kinda defeats the purpose of pudding.

At 5:34 p.m., Blogger blondie said...

yah it seems to doesnt it... oh well im sure we can find a pudding plant

At 1:22 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 10:43 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, that is funny.
I was laughing about that all day.



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