Friday, June 30, 2006

Destined For Nothing...

Tell my why so many have to die.
Tell me why they all have to lie.
What ever happened to those days,
That we all just ran in the suns rays.
Happy and free.
All was good from what we could see.
There were no wars, no discrimination.
The world was our salvation.
But as we grew old things were not the same.
For many it was about fame.
Wars became reality.
They broke out with no formality.
This world is not what it was.
All this because,
Of those little things.
Wedding rings.
Racial strings.
Belief brings.
Hate and war.
Why can't things be like they were before.
Back when colour ment nothing.
When apologizing,
Wasn't so bad,
We weren't all so sad.
This world's gone mad.
Look at that young lad.
Barely an adult.
Its almost an insult.
These poor people sent away.
Mothers pray.
Fathers fight by their side.
We all have too much pride.
These wars, this suffering.
These actions that are life altering.
So many die.
So many cry.
We're all filled with lies.
Its time for us to rise.
Free out family from the never ending pain.
Pray for all those who have been slain.
End these wars with peace.
Make all the fighting cease!

(C) 2006 Brianna Brown (AKA Blondie) All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Justified. SEASE Productions.

Monday, June 26, 2006

If you wake up in the morning dreading going to work, dreading the day, hating your life, but you think "Well, I got good pay", what the hell do you use the pay for? Food so you can keep living and continuing the endless cycle of disappointment with your mundane life. When you know you had dreams of something else? But instead you just settled? Fuck settling. Be yourself, live the dream, at no matter the cost. I'd rather be broke and making music/films, then rich and being an accountant. Do what you love, if not why the fuck do you live?. - Sean Smith, Musician, visual artist and good friend.

The above was said to me tonight...and I realised I could make a good blog post out of it. I've felt the same for years. In fact, someone asked me what my greatest fear was...and I told them that it would probably be facing the reality that I'm stuck in a dead-end job with great pay...but no time to spend and enjoy it. I'm not going to make this into a long post, as I don't think there is much more that I could say without being redundant. Just think about it...

(C) 2006 Sean Slater All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Justified. SEASE Productions.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Already Over!

Alright kiddies, listen up. I've got two things currently bothering me so I'm going to address both of them here and now. One is my lack of good updates since I finished Psychology...Two is the way my peers run their relationships. Guess what, by ranting about the teenage relationship, I can vent my exasperations at my friends AND take care of my lack of decent posts. If you're looking for a critical-essay that is written in a five-paragraph format, uses proper english and has a formal approach...get lost, this isn't it. And so we begin:

It's recently become alarming how much people my age are attached to this image of a "Boyfriend/Girlfriend" relationship. It's like marriage. A novel idea, but it's just a falsity that helps your state of mind and security. People decide to get married, as if spending grotesque amounts of money on a huge party, an ugly cake, an uglier dress, swapping rings, and receiving a marriage certificate are going to make their relationship airtight. The same goes for teenage relationships. People seem to think that having the title of "Boyfriend and Girlfriend", and going on "Dates" is going to make them something special. As if it classifies them as people of importance. I'm guilty of it. I dated someone for two years, and I felt the same way. However, I've become rather jaded lately. People are deciding to "Take a break from eachother" or they claim there's nothing between them anymore aside from friendship, and yet they're still going on self-proclaimed "Dates" and they still act like they own eachother. It bugs me...It's white or black grey area. (Apparently no grey-matter either.) If you're going to be "Boyfriend And Girlfriend", then be it. If you're not going to call eachother by the titles you've beset, DON'T GO ON DATES, DON'T MAKE OUT, Etc. Etc. "Friends With Benefits" doesn't work either...that's just stupid.

The way I see it, you don't need any titles to be close to someone. It's not as though you need a marriage certificate to live with a non-family member, so why should you need to be someone's "Boyfriend" to cuddle with her? Do you have to be dating to kiss someone? Last time I checked, there were no physical boundaries limiting my lips...and I plan on keeping it that way. What's the point of a title. If you like someone, tell them. If you want to be together, then be together. Why can't you just chill with someone? When did "Dates" become such a huge deal? As I said I dated someone for 2 years and we went on a total of 3 "Official Dates", but we hung out almost every day. Titles are dumb. Pre-set dates are a waste of planning time and energy, and feeling that you need to date someone to be close to them is a misconception that seems to rule our society...

Please people, see the light. It's a lot easier than you think it is. All you guys that freeze up when you try to ask a girl out, you'll never have that problem again. Just be their friend...if things happen from there, so be it. It's not as big a deal as ya'll play it out to be. Maybe you should lay of the sitcoms and other crappy TV.

(C) 2006 Sean Slater. All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Justified. SEASE1 Productions.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Fine Art Of Bullshitting

Some of you may have read this...but so what? It's still rather amusing.
As you study for exams, remember its not the quantity it's the quality. And remember there is no substitute for pure unadulterated bull

Dr. Schambaugh, of the University of Oklahoma School of Chemical Engineering, Final Exam question for May of 1997. Dr. Schambaugh is known for asking questions such as, "why do airplanes fly?" on his final exams. His one and only final exam question in May 1997 for his Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer II class was: "Is hell exothermic or endothermic? Support your answer with proof."

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law or some variant. One student, however, wrote the following:

"First, We postulate that if souls exist, then they must have some mass. If they do, then a mole of souls can also have a mass. So, at what rate are souls moving into hell and at what rate are souls leaving? I think we can safely assume that once a soul gets to hell, it will not leave.

Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for souls entering hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, then you will go to hell. Since there are more than one of these religions and people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all people and souls go to hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in hell to increase exponentially.

Now, we look at the rate of change in volume in hell. Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in hell to stay the same, the ratio of the mass of souls and volume needs to stay constant. Two options exist:

1. If hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter hell, then the temperature and pressure in hell will increase until all hell breaks loose.
2. If hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until hell freezes over.

So which is it? If we accept the quote given to me by Theresa Manyan during Freshman year, "that it will be a cold night in hell before I sleep with you" and take into account the fact that I still have NOT succeeded in having sexual relations with her, then Option 2 cannot be true...Thus, hell is exothermic."

The student, Tim Graham, got the only A.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Imagine Whirled Peas!

"People who believe in a better way of life know that the way we live now is criminal. Denial of freedoms, death by starvation and exploitation, denigration of people's capabilities everywhere. If you see that these outcomes are socially produced, then you understand that every person who dies as a result was effectively murdered. Once you accept the possibility of attaining a humanist alternative, you have to be a terrible hypocrite, coward or cynic to live passively with the contrast between what is and what could be." - Noam Chomsky, "Problems Of Knowledge And Freedom" (1971)

It amazes me...that someone as influential and high-up as Noam Chomsky has been saying this for over thirty years, and few people have yet to actually listen to him. If you choose to look at the situation of the human condition from such an extreme perspective, then all means it is criminal and the deaths caused by this unfortunate fact could be considered homocides.

However, the point I most definately agree with from this small snippet is his statement that very few people can willingly choose to simply let it be when they know the facts. The mind tries to ignore the negative, but it doesn't always work and so it always resurfaces. People hear things that happen, like the Marines that slayed the 24 Civilians in Iraq for no good reason, and it hits them hard. It makes them think and hopefully they will care, for if someone cares they generally will act. Not many people have a mind robust enough that the dirty, painful truth won't bother them. It takes a major malfunction to brush things like needless death, inescapable pain, and other attrocities.

I may be a cynic more often than not(That's why Mr. "Teacher" is leaving, methinks...), but it's not to the point where I can't see things for how they are. In fact, at time I wonder if my cynicism aids me to see through the happy-go-lucky facade that North American society tries to put up over my eyes. It's nearly impossible for me to ignore the problems of the world, considering I try to help anyone I can...and if there's one thing I can do to help it's to inform people. That's why I have this Blog, aside from the ability to type up my homework for Psychology (i.e. This little composition here), but I can also show people the truth.

(C) 2006 Sean Slater (Thank You Mr. Maroney and Mr. Chomsky) All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Justified. SEASE1 Productions.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Four-Letter Insult, Huh?

Seeing as I can't get permission to repost it, I'll simply post the link. THIS IS FUNNY STUFF! Completely over-playin this kat to make him look like some righteous beaureaucrat. In truth, he's simply an Ex-Lawyer who got made fun of too much when he was growin' up.

In case you're wondering about that billboard ETHER painted, I got it right here.


(C) 2006 Sean Slater (F*CK VALLONE!) All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Justified. SEASE1 Productions.

Complete Predictability

If the Earth's history were condensed into one (1) year, each day would represent 10,000,000 years. January 1st is the beginning of the Earth, and Midnight (12:00) is NOW! Today. It would go a little something like this:

- Jan. 1st: 3500 Million Years Ago.

- Aug. 1st: Multi-Celled Organisms First Appear (Sean Slater is also born in the year AD 1990).

- Nov. 1st: Vertebrates (Back-Boned Creatures) First Appear.
- Nov. 30th: Lungfish And Other Creatures First Begin To Live On Land.

- Dec. 1st: Land-Dwelling Vertebrates Appear.
- Dec. 15th: Winged Creatures Appear.
- Dec. 25th: Dinosaurs And Other Mammals Appear
- Dec. 31st: 6PM- Apes Appear

And Finally, One December 31st, At 11:58...Two Minutes Ago, Humans Appeared.

Humans are Nothing! Creatures have been inhabiting the land for 400 Million Years...Humans have existed for less than 1 Million years. We are petty...and yet we walk around this planet like we own the place. We are so conceited and self-absorbed...we ruin this planet that has been host to ourselves and countless other species for eons just to suit ourselves. In the great words of Greg Graffin in his song Watch It Die: "I was born on planet earth, a rotating ball where man comes first. It's been around for a long, long time...but now its time to watch it die."

35 Million years ago, there was a mass-extinction. Over 80% of the Earth's species were killed off. Mass extinction is nothing new, it's gone on for ages...In fact, we humans are here because of it. Had the dinosaurs never been wiped out, the mammals would never have been given the chance to evolved as they have, ergo Humans would not be here. Perhaps our planet would have been far better off...who knows. Mass-Extinction caused us to be here, and it will cause us to die off. It's inevitable, especially at the rate we humans are going. The human race will not always be here, and people need to realise that. In the end, all our troubles and petty worries mean nothing. They simply satisfy us, however fruitless they actually are. Why people bother toiling over power struggles within their companies, why people fight over things like oil, why we kill eachother, why people want to conquer this's all beyond me. I'd like to think that it's below me. Not to be conceited, but really. It means nothing. Just live your life to its fullest, keep yourself happy, and die anyways. We live, breathe, reproduce, and die. That's how it happens. Pessimistic? Perhaps. But it's the tragic future that awaits us all. We'll all run out of steam eventually, some of us sooner than others. None of our exploits will mean anything in the long run. Perhaps the next dominant species on this planet will look back and laugh at us for how much we toiled over such inconsequential things...I certainly hope so. It'd simply prove that what I'm saying is true.

(C) 2006 Sean Slater (Thanks Maroney!) All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Justified. SEASE1 Productions.

Monday, June 05, 2006


'Nuff Said.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Merchants Of Menace (From The Byline)

Living with indifference. It's tough to give a shit these days.

All a good writer can ever hope to do is maximize the hustle. Viral testimony and buzzed backing aside, my space still seems cooler than myspace.

The age of the internet hustle is upon us. You too can become the center of the latest think tank firing idiot missiles in html.

Low end hustles and high grade rent manage themselves snugly between red wine and twisted twigs. I find time to read a found letter or two.

'Tis the season for pick pockets, bottle rockets and fragmentary grenades. Rolling pins, bowling pins, moonlight serenades.

Physical contact becomes emotional contract. We all got theories of love and powers above but some of us need to know what's lurking below.

When throwing your creative process at the world make sure to break glass, cause crashes and trigger conniption fits. Otherwise, why bother.

The world mistakes merchants of menace for mercenaries of mercy. Shotguns have a way of getting the right versions of truth justified.

No one is fooled when ammunition is the source of change. But change isn't getting any easier to collect. In fact it's harder than ever to keep track of change.

With the internet and all, change is just a click away. All of our desires, all of our dreams, as near or far as a hyperlink.

It's as if the earth...

...a mere pixel.

Impartiality is a pompous name for indifference, which is an elegant name for ignorance. -- G.K. Chesterton

(C) 2006 Buford Youthward (StockCap) All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Justified. SEASE1 Productions